Forum Discussion

manish_singh's avatar
Occasional Contributor
17 years ago

Mysql database not connecting

I am having a big problem after trying so many times im am not able to connect with mysql database running on our server.
As Our company is Searching the WS testing software and I have to recommend them.and after using many software i am going for this coz of better GUI and low cost.
My prob.
Im connecting with following command in my datasource with JDBC

Driver - com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Connecting String - jdbc:mysql://servername:3306/DataBasename?user=user&password=pass.

I use basic sql command' select ... from  tablename '
I press test but it shows nothing (show in side got 0 rows in

i put one property against one fetching col.

What i did till now ..
I use the both drivers 'mysql-connector-java-3.0.17-ga-bin' and 'mysql-connector-java-5.0.6-bin' in my lib directory of SOAPUI.(first hoped i atleast one should work).

I restarted it . checked again but didnt work

I checked the database and port ,host,database  are working good.

It is very painful that it is not showing any error or warning when we r using database.
Help me what can be done in this situation as DB connection is very important for our ws application otherwise i need to search something else.

15 Replies

  • manish_singh's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Just suggestions..

    There should be browsing sytem instead of typing the driver name

    and connection string interface should be improved

    And u should also put flash based tutorials with voice like i have seen with other tools..
  • omatzura's avatar
    Super Contributor

    yes.. we know... All that is planned, but thanks for reminding :-)


  • manish_singh's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    One more question.

    I have setup datasource and with sql command im getting for ex. 200 rows..
    in database setup frame.
    I need in my request method that it read from first row give responce and proceed to 2nd row give responce and so on till end...

    so the step should be..
    datasource(with select sql command)
    user request
    Data source loop(datasource step 'datasource' and target step 'user request'.
    how i can see the result ?Http log is not very clear..
    where i can see the result of each request and responce.?

  • omatzura's avatar
    Super Contributor

    you can double-click each teststep result in the TestCase log window, which will open a window showing the request and response for the message..

    Hope this helps!

