Forum Discussion

Nicolas_Afonso's avatar
New Contributor
10 years ago

Multi environment API testing with SoapUi

Dear Community,


To start with, please be indulgent I am a brand new user of the tool :)


I am currently developing some APIs and interested in testing it using SoapUI. I enjoy using the tool but now I am facing an annoying issue : how to deal with multi env. ?


Let me explain my "pain" :

- I create a "New REST service from an URI" under a project folder

- Let's say it is from an dev environment

- Now I want to test the same service, just deployed to a int env.

-> How to easily do this, without re-create from scratch a REST service under the same project folder (copy paste functionnality seems not to be implemented)


Many thanks for your support


  • Have you created any Test Suite -> Test Case -> and test steps?
    If so, you should be able to change hostname or ipaddress as Endpoint.
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    Have you created any Test Suite -> Test Case -> and test steps?
    If so, you should be able to change hostname or ipaddress as Endpoint.
    • Nicolas_Afonso's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi nmrao,


      Thank you for your feedback. Obviously test suite/case/steps are basic SOAPUi projet components, and sadly I did not know them.


      I will have a look at SOAPUI tutorials and maybe come back to you if needed later.


      Have a nice day :)