Forum Discussion

jakub's avatar
New Contributor
11 years ago

mock webservice for high load with high delay


is it possible to mock a web service, that will be able to service 150 req/second with 50 second delay in response ?

with low load, it can be done with sleep(50 000), but with 150 req/sec * 50 sec = 7500 pending requests
I suppose soap ui uses thread for each requests and when sleep, thread is pending,

is it possible to start soapui mock in async mode, and replace sleep(50000) with some request queue ?

requests would be put to queue, and picked after 50 000, is it possible anyway to mock such load with such delay ?


1 Reply

  • psr7474's avatar
    New Contributor

    I have created a mock service for an external wsdl in SOAP UI 4.5.0. I want to add time delay of 40 seconds to the mock service or response. I mean when we send a request instead of getting the response immediately. I want the response to come after certain delay.

    How can i add that delay in SOAP UI project for mock service / response OR can i add time delay using any attribute in nohup command used in linux system to deploy the SOAP UI mock service.

    Sample nohup command - nohup /opt/Cordys/soapui-3.5.1/bin/ -m"ConfigurationServiceBinding MockService" -p 8092 -D"MockRespFilePath=/opt/Cordys/SoapUIProjects/BigMachinesConfigure/Response/" "/opt/Cordys/SoapUIProjects/BigMachinesConfigure/BigMachinesConfigure-soapui-project.xml" > /opt/Cordys/SoapUIProjects/BigMachinesConfigure/nohup-BigMachinesConfigure.out 2>&1 &

    Need you inputs immediately and your help is most appreciated?
