for this use case you need 4 test steps.
And I assume that you have created sessions in hermes which you will use in SoapUI. Otherwise please try our jms tutorial
http://www.soapui.org/tutorials/jms/jms-tutorial.html1. create Test Request step named "JMS receive" with jms endpoint that will receive message from queue, like
jms://activeMQSession::-::queue_testQ1 .Also set its Timeout property to zero, so it waits until message is on queue.
2. create Groovy script test step named "groovy MOCK", where you can use received message
def response = context.expand( '${JMS receive#Response}' )
// do something to response with groovy
return response // or some mock soap message
3. create Test Request step named "JMS send" with jms endpoint that will send message to a queue, like
jms://activeMQSession::queue_testQ2 . In XML tab just write this
${groovy MOCK#result} 4. create groovy script test step named "groovy goto" and write this script
this way it will loop these steps
Open your Test Case window and start it.
Hope this helps