Forum Discussion

lbroudoux's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Missing dependencies on



I'm using repository for years now in order to grab soapui main artifact and its dependencies. However, since yesterday (30th July 2019), some of dependencies are simply missing whatever the version of soapui I'm trying to grab (starting from 5.1.1 to 5.5.0).


Here's a list of missing ones:

[WARNING] The POM for xmlbeans:xbean:jar:fixed-2.4.0 is missing, no dependency information available

[WARNING] The POM for commons-ssl:not-yet-commons-ssl:jar:0.3.11 is missing, no dependency information available

[WARNING] The POM for json:json-lib:jar:2.2.2-jdk15 is missing, no dependency information available

[WARNING] The POM for bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15:jar:144 is missing, no dependency information available

[WARNING] The POM for l2fprod:l2fprod-common-directorychooser:jar:7.3 is missing, no dependency information available

[WARNING] The POM for com.btr:proxy-vole:jar:20131209 is missing, no dependency information available


When looking at repository (that redirects to it seems that all sub-directories have been modified very recently. Is there a rebuild/resync operation running ? Will all dependencies are going to be sync at the end ?


Thanks for your help,

  • Hi,


    as of today problem seems to be fixed as dependencies have re-appeared on the repository. Seems like it was just a synchronisation / rebuild that last for days. An information message on this forum would have been nice though ...



  • lbroudoux's avatar
    New Contributor



    as of today problem seems to be fixed as dependencies have re-appeared on the repository. Seems like it was just a synchronisation / rebuild that last for days. An information message on this forum would have been nice though ...

