Forum Discussion

Lschoend's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

Loading Property Values Dynamically from a File

I need to load a section of my request dynamically each time. I created a property at the test case level called Message ( ${#TestCase#Message} ) and added a Property step that is supposed to read the value from a file.


There are 3 steps in my test case:

Load the Message property (the value of the property is defined in the file)

Execute the request (inserts the property value into the request)

Property Transfer (returns the response status)


The request has the property name substituted for the dynamic section. However the value is not read when I execute the test case, it only contains the value from when I manually execute from the Property step editor. It merges the property request into the request just fine, and the property transfer is also working, but the value is static and not dynamically loaded.


How do I get it to update the property value every time I execute the test case? I am using an external tool that interfaces with SOAP UI so I want to stay away from scripting, just want to use standard SOAP UI steps.


Screen shots attached, any and all help greatly appreciated!

  • Lschoend ,


    What you need to do is, In you Test Request Step, replace with below syntax:


    ${Load Message Property#Message}
  • Lschoend ,


    What you need to do is, In you Test Request Step, replace with below syntax:


    ${Load Message Property#Message}