Forum Discussion

Awesome's avatar
Frequent Contributor
17 years ago

how to sum response values

hi all,

if i have a Response that contains many records, ex record:


how can I collect all the inner elements of each record and run a Sum function all all. So in the above example, I would get the total amount of all purchases?


5 Replies

  • Awesome's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    I guess an assertion would be the way to go? sorry still learning
    thanks for your help!

    lets say the response returns 100 records each records with a different amount. if i know the total amounts should = 3000. then i guess an assertion that would sum up all the amounts of each records and make sure it == 3000.

    so to do this would I:
    in the TestRequest: add an assertion 'XPath Match'

    1) how would the XPath expression be formatted?

    if this is the query response for just the first record


    i guess i would need a var to plugin for Record[x] above? and loop through it and then sum at the end?

    so something like:

    for $z in //ns1:QueryResponse[1]/ns1:Record[$z]/ens:Payment[1]/ens:Amount[1])

    fn:sum($srcval as xs:anyAtomicType*) → xs:anyAtomicType?
  • Hi!

    Maybe the following should is sufficient;

    declare namespace ns1 = '...';
    declare namespace ens = '...';
    sum( //ns1:QueryResponse[1]/ns1:Record[$z]/ens:Payment[1]/ens:Amount[1]/text() )


  • Awesome's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    yup some point late last night i figured out that this worked:


    i couldn't use $z as a var in the element index though..
