How to send parameter value to sql query from a datasource ( excel )
Hello Guys,
I am facing a bit of a challenge here. Hopefully i can explain it better. I am setting my test case as below
1. Datasource-- excel
2. JDBC Request - Sql server ( Simple sql query with parameter )
3. Rest API Call
4. DataSource loop
The data source has input parameter for both SQL and API. I first want to call the sql with the parameter that has been send through excel. Then, i want to call the rest API, through the parameter that has been via excel and then compare the data against SQL scripts. Then, loop back to the data-source and go to row 2 for different parameter.
The challenge that i having is not able to parameterzise SQL query .
My query is like
Declare @name varchar(4)
Declare @YearMonth Varchar(6)
Select Top .................
from ........
join ..
where name = @name
and YearMonth = @YearMonth
what i want to do is send the value of name and YearMonth through excel..
I have created the JDBC request and the property but i am not able to pass the value
something like ( property )
@name ${DataSource#@name}
@YearMonth ${DataSource#@YearMonth
and when i pass it to my sql nothing works and i get an error. ( java.lang.IllegalArguemntException : Parameter '@name' was not found in the SQL Query
Declare @name varchar(4) = ${DataSource#@name}
Declare @YearMonth Varchar(6) = ${DataSource#@YearMonth
Select Top .................
from ........
join ..
where name = @name
and YearMonth = @YearMonth