Forum Discussion

cst99003's avatar
6 years ago

Set a JSONPath expression parameter from a datasource

How do I get a data source value for JSONPath Match assertion on the expression


Here is the compare values that gets compared, but the 0 is only valid for the first record.

JSONPath Expression


Expected Results


What I would like to do is get the value from the datasource to replace the 0 value in ['DeathPayOption'][0] because there are multiple values of DeathPayOption


  • Lucian's avatar
    6 years ago

    Hi cst99003,


    Assuming that the datasource is set correctly, your assertion should work if you change the JSONPath expression to:




    1. You didn't place the dollar sign ( $ ) before the expression and

    2. You put the quotes ( ' ' ) inside the square brakets which is wrong since this makes the value being taken as a string.

11 Replies

  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero

    Im struggling to understand the problem.

    That zerovalue [0] in your assertion's expression is the jsonpath syntax. The first record starts with [0], 2nd record is [1], etc.

    That json 'expression' is actually how json uses the path to navigate to and identify the first OptionNum node in your json there are actually >1 records in the generated response.

    Are you saying that the OptionNum value saved in your datasource is not correct? Or it is, its just not the OptionNum value returned in the first record of your multi record response?

    Sorry im not understanding....can you provide a bit more info?

    There is a count assertion that counts the number of recorda returned in your response. You might be able to use this to help. Also...and i alwaya suggest this but iveonly ever managed to use this approach once. Depending on the api you are hitting and whether the request is a get, post etc., you could (this is a possibility only...ive only ever managed this once) tailor your requests template and query parameters do you actually alter the query that is executed....further restricting the number of records returned in the response from >1 to =1 only. As i say....ive only managed to alter the query filter on the REST request once....but it did allow me to retrieve only 1 record.


    • cst99003's avatar

       Thank you for your response.


      I am trying to confirm the datasource data matches the REST response.


      The datasource from the database has one to many records so the value that I am looking for, in the compare is for ['OptionNum'] is the ['DeathPayOption'][1].  The DeathPayOption value is in the spreadsheet so i want to use that to get the correct attribute.


      Assume I have two records in the datasource in two rows.  The


      ${DataSource#ANNUITY} will work for the first record but because it looks at index = 0 but the second will fail because I need to look at index = 1.   I have a value in the datasource to tell me there are two records so i should be able to specify the index value for ['DeathPayOption'][0]



      JSONPath Expression


      Expected Results







      Sorry if my question is confuing but I assume I should be able to use the datasource to set the value.


      • richie's avatar
        Community Hero

        Hey cst99003


        you'll have to forgive me - I'm quite literal so I'm struggling a little still.- my ADHD doesn't help me to concentrate either.


        You mention database, datasource, spreadsheet


        "The datasource from the database has one to many records" - are you using a datasource step object in your test case?  Can you please describe the steps in your test case just so I have a littel background?


        From the mention of datasource and database - are you using a Data connection datasource object and using this to connect to a database?  If yes - can I assume you are using this to build the content of your request?


        you mention " The DeathPayOption value is in the spreadsheet so i want to use that to get the correct attribute." - what spreadsheet?  I'm sorry - you never mentioned a spreadsheet before - are you using a spreadsheet as your datasource - or are you using a database?  Confused... ;)


        Is it REST?  SOAP?

        Are you doing a POST? or is it a GET?


         Essentially - you are doing some sort of REQUEST that is returning a .json body (so I'm assuming REST, not SOAP).  in this .json body you have >1 record returned.


        You are saying one option fails because you can assert on $['CalculatedOptions'][0]['DeathPayOption'][0]['OptionNum'] but you also have a record  at $['CalculatedOptions'][0]['DeathPayOption'][1]['OptionNum'] - can you not just assert on this second instance of OptionNum to prove the value is correct?


        It would help a lot if I knew what the content of your datasource is.  you mention you are trying to assert the OptionNum attribute against ${DataSource#DO_OPTIONNUM} - but I don't know what DO_OPTIONNUM actually is.


        I'm sorry - some of other lads who are cleverer than me might be able to infer the content - but I need it laying out before I can visualise.


        Thanks man,

