How to import from bin/ext instead of lib?
I am running SOAP-UI 5.4.0 and I am trying to write a groovy script that uses org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver and com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserVersion. So I drop the appropriate jars into bin/ext. These libraries depend on htmlunit-2.18 but there is already htmlunit-2.7 in lib so I get errors like this:
- java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient.getOptions()Lcom/gargoylesoftware/htmlunit/WebClientOptions; error at line: 66
- .../bin/ext/htmlunit-2.18.jar
- .../bin/ext/htmlunit-core-js-2.17.jar
- .../lib/htmlunit-2.7.jar
- .../lib/htmlunit-core-js-2.7.jar
I instantiated a BrowserVersion and ran
- "class jar = ${}; ${ff.class.getResource('/com/gargoylesoftware/htmlunit/BrowserVersion.class')}"
- > class jar = com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserVersion; jar:file:/C:/.../lib/htmlunit-2.7.jar!/com/gargoylesoftware/htmlunit/BrowserVersion.class
So you can see it picks the lib 2.7 jar instead of my bin/ext 2.18 jar.
Is there a way to make the loader choose the SoapUIExtensionClassLoader (bin/ext) first?
I've thought about modifying the lib version but I don't know that htmlunit is strictly backwards compatible and I don't want to mess SOAP-UI up. I also might want to pass this script on to others and don't want to suggest modifying their app directories either.