Forum Discussion

sdeevers's avatar
7 years ago

Upgrade to 2.4 does not migrate files from release 2.3/bin/ext

Noticed after the upgrade to the 2.4 release the files in the bin/ext directory are not being migrated to the new folder as expected.


For example we have the MySQL jar file in the bin/ext directory per documentation. When executing any test that was using MySQL, they immediately failed until we place the file in the "2.4/bin/ext" directory.

  • Hmm.. I believe that those files are specific to your machine. And you can simply copy them from previous version to new version.

    Is your concern that this information not available in the documentation or something?
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hmm.. I believe that those files are specific to your machine. And you can simply copy them from previous version to new version.

    Is your concern that this information not available in the documentation or something?
  • groovyguy's avatar
    Community Hero

    Whenever I have upgraded from one version of Ready API to the next, I have always had to migrate any extra files I have added to the install, like the jars you are mentioning. I also have to reconfigure my vmoptions and any other changes made as well. Unfortunately, I'd have to guess it'd be hard for the installer to know everything you have added to copy over.