Forum Discussion

sathyaraj's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

How to get the specific property value from SOPAUI response?

Whenever i am exeuting the testcases i will get the property value in response as myscore Arun/ten2016-12-20

here the key is myscore and value is Arun/ten2016-12-20. the date will be changing dynmically as today date append with the text 'Arun/ten'

i tried by adding the below groovy script code but its not working,

today = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd") today

def"Arun/ten" + today);

assert messageExchange.responseHeaders["my_client_update"] == ["Arun/ten2016-12-20"]--i want this script to be passed.

kindly suggest the solution , what is the wrong thing here.

  • The below is the answer for the above post,


    * Below is the Script Assertion
    * Retrieves the specified header and asserts against the expected value
    //Change the header key as needed.
    def requiredHeaderKey = 'my_client_update'
    //Change the expected value for the above Header key
    //Note that below one is using the regular expression to accommodate dynamic date in the header value
    def expectedRequiredHeaderValue = "Arun/ten\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}"
    //You may not be required to change beyond this point of the script.
    //Check if the response has headers
    assert messageExchange.responseHeaders, "There are no headers in the response"
    //Get & Check if the response has required Header and its value is not empty
    def requiredHeaderValue = messageExchange.responseHeaders[requiredHeaderKey]
    assert requiredHeaderValue, "Value of the response header ${requiredHeaderKey} is empty or null"
    if (requiredHeaderValue instanceof List) { "Requested header value is ${requiredHeaderValue[0]}"
      assert requiredHeaderValue[0] ==~ expectedRequiredHeaderValue, "Response header value is not matching with the expected value"
    • sathyaraj's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      yes , i have posted the same question there too.


      but link may be broken in external sites that's why posted the Answer here.


      Thanks nmrao

  • sathyaraj's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    The below is the answer for the above post,


    * Below is the Script Assertion
    * Retrieves the specified header and asserts against the expected value
    //Change the header key as needed.
    def requiredHeaderKey = 'my_client_update'
    //Change the expected value for the above Header key
    //Note that below one is using the regular expression to accommodate dynamic date in the header value
    def expectedRequiredHeaderValue = "Arun/ten\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}"
    //You may not be required to change beyond this point of the script.
    //Check if the response has headers
    assert messageExchange.responseHeaders, "There are no headers in the response"
    //Get & Check if the response has required Header and its value is not empty
    def requiredHeaderValue = messageExchange.responseHeaders[requiredHeaderKey]
    assert requiredHeaderValue, "Value of the response header ${requiredHeaderKey} is empty or null"
    if (requiredHeaderValue instanceof List) { "Requested header value is ${requiredHeaderValue[0]}"
      assert requiredHeaderValue[0] ==~ expectedRequiredHeaderValue, "Response header value is not matching with the expected value"