How to get response header values from a test step
I have multiple test steps in a testCase, and I want to pass the response header value from the 1st test step as an input header to the 2nd test step.
For instance, here's a clear description:
Response header has the following values:
Set-Cookie: sessionid=xxxxxxxxxxx
Set-Cookie: token1=xxxxxxxx
Request Header should have the following values:
Cookie: sessionid=<sessionID value from the response header of testStep1>;token1=<token1 value from the response header of testStep1>
How do I do this?
Please note that there are 2 header properties with the same name, but with different values in TestStep1, and I need both the values to be passed to TestStep2
I did go through the other articles on achieving this, however I couldn't get an exact solution to what I am looking for. I have tried the property transfer step, but that doesn't seem to have an option of transferring properties from Response headers.