Forum Discussion

Apoorva6's avatar
Frequent Contributor
9 years ago

How to control MockResponse added as a TestStep

Hello guys,


I know that mockResponse when added in test step, it will listen till a request is hit . However, is there a way it listens and still control move to next testStep in same testCase ?

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Could not understand what you looking for. can you describe it little more probably with an example?
    • Apoorva6's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Hi Rao,


      I have RequestA triggered to server which will inturn  invoke RequestB and get ResponseB and then hit RequestC and get ResponseC.

      I have created a testCase to include first RequestA and then followed by mockResponseB and mockResponseC testSteps. I am using mock URL in server property.xml. The Problem is here when I am running the project on commandline:


      When I run testrunner followed by project, RequestA is submitted to server. Before the control go to start mockResponseB testStep, our server is hitting RequestB due to which we are getting ResponseB as unavailable.


      So I need a way to start mockresponseB and mockResponseC to start listening first and then submit RequestA. All I need in one testCase only.

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        Thank you for details. Can you clarify below?
        1. Are all the operations of same service if you are using SOAP requests? clarify otherwise.

        2. How are you starting mock services? In any setup script? Test suite or Test case or Project?