Forum Discussion

rlong98's avatar
10 years ago

How to capture assertions list with it's response?

Not sure if the image will appear


If you run a testStep and look at the Assertions. SoapUI returns the assertion Green/Red as well as adding "- VALID" or "- FAILED"


Question: Is there a way to captuer that full string? The name + status



SOAP Response - VALID

XPath Match - VALID

Contains - VALID

Not Contains - FAILED


Currently I'm pulling the assertionsList - testStep.getAssertionAt(AssertionCount).getLabel()

But I want the extra status piece to go along with it.

Thank you, Rob


  • I actually found my answer in a post


    // get the testStep
    def testStep = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName('Test Request')
    // print assertion names an its status
    testStep.getAssertionList().each{ "$it.label - $it.status"   


    it was the "status" I needed to add.  so for my code I put:


        testStep.getAssertionAt(AssertionCount).name + '->[' + testStep.getAssertionAt(AssertionCount).status + ']'



2 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Can you please add little more details regarding your use case, how are you going use or run the tests?

  • I actually found my answer in a post


    // get the testStep
    def testStep = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName('Test Request')
    // print assertion names an its status
    testStep.getAssertionList().each{ "$it.label - $it.status"   


    it was the "status" I needed to add.  so for my code I put:


        testStep.getAssertionAt(AssertionCount).name + '->[' + testStep.getAssertionAt(AssertionCount).status + ']'