Forum Discussion
You can access any public scope properties on SoapUI objects e.g. Projects, TestCases using Groovy scripts etc.
Some examples are:
Accessing the project name from within a Groovy TestStep:
A bit more complicated example again from within a Groovy TestStep:
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlInterface
myInterface = (WsdlInterface) testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getInterfaceByName("SampleServiceSoapBinding")
myOperation = myInterface.getOperationByName("login")
myRequest = myOperation.getRequestByName("Request 1")\
These snipets were taken from
You may find the API docs helpful in working out methods/properties that you can call
Is this what you meant?
- mmoser1810 years agoFrequent Contributor
I must be missing something here. I have read through the docs quite intensively and I also tried the suggested code snippets, but when I enter a code-snippet like
def name =
into the script assertion entry field and then execute that I get an error "can not call testCase on a null-object". So, the object "testRunner" seems undefined or null.
The other usage that my question was referrring to:
there is the option to define an assertion by using the "Contains" option and then enter a string that has to be contained in the response into the input fields.
These strings can contain "placeholders" like "...${#Project#some_property}..." or "...${#TestCase#other_property}..." etc.. However, that machanism seems to work only with user definable customer properties. If I enter the project property "${#Project#Name}" here or ${#Project#Service} or ${#Project#Endpoint} or any other default property's name) I get an error only. What name or prefix do I need to use for the Project/Test Suite/Test Case/Test Step's default properties?
- rupert_anderson10 years agoValued Contributor
So in terms of why that first snippet deosn't work, what you were missing is that I said to run it from a Groovy script, not a script Assertion, they provide different variables to the script - see the comparison below:
Whereas, the Script Assertion is not run in the context of a test runner hence no testRunner variable (it gets messageExchange instead):
Ok, I think the problem here might be that the syntax for inserting the result of script type expressions is not the same as that for the property expansion syntax that is applied to properties of different scopes - consider the following example:
(also taken from that tricks and tips page, but basically this syntax allows execution of one or more lines of code, can provide more complicated examples if necessary)
Is this what you wanted?
Hope this helps,
- mmoser1810 years agoFrequent Contributor
> Is this what you wanted?
Not quite yet. I would like to find a way to include placeholders representing default properties of test-suite and test-case into the expected content, i.e. into the string that one puts into the "Content"-field of a "Contains Assertion".
Right now, I know how to include project properties there, e.g. using:some text ${#Project#foobar} some more text
But that only works with Custom Properties! What do I have to write to e.g. include the name of the TestCase (i.e. the value of the "Name" property from the TestCase's "TestCase Properties"-tab) into that field?
Hope, I could make myself clear...
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