Forum Discussion
Please go through the below link in detail and follow the instructions mentioned in the same. Do share the outcome whatever is the result.
I saw that link while looking for solutions in smart bear community, but it works for testcomplete tool , my tool is soapui open source. So it did not work for me.
Hello N78A
As you said in your message that, you started looking at options with continuous integration tool like Jenkins you can achieve this there easily.
- Jenkins can help you to periodically schedule the job to run automatically. Ultimately your job would have your SoapUI projects and test suite
- Google for Jenkins + Periodically scheduling jobs with Cron expression if you are not aware of it. You will see plenty of articles
- You can design your soapUI project as a Maven project. And you can use Mavens SoapUI plugin to achieve running your suite. Please google the same
- Or if you do not want to use Maven, You can also use SoapUI command line runner and configure Jenkins job to use that . So please learn how to run soapUI project with commandline and not with SoapUI GUI itself
- You can use any of these 2 option and configure job in Jenkins and can schedule the job to run automatically
It will take some time to learn and figure out this . Have patience and try it . You would be able to do it :)
Hope it helps
Warm Regards
Thanks for the information Musaffir,
Out of the points you mentioned. I have tried doing - Use SoapUI command line runner and configure Jenkins job to use that.
I got some commnads to give to schedule , buit the build failed each time with different errors. When I tried to search the errors on internet, I got confusing stuff like plugins, maven etc.
I am new to Jenkins and know nothing about Maven :(
Also as mentioned by you in my other post -> "Then create Jenkins Job where you have your SoapUI project ( it could be either in a version control system, or in local jeknins dir itself)"
I could not understand what is meant by -> version control system, or in local jeknins dir itself
I have a jenkins url used by developers in my team and after login to that URL I did below:
1.Created a project . Please see attached images
2. Configured it .
3. Gave periodic run
4. Command sepecifying the loaction of project & reference to test suite.
Please let me know if this is the process to schedule soap ui test suites using jenkins or anything else is required whcih I am not doing ?.