7 years agoOccasional Contributor
How can i find a @param that matches with a textCase property value?
Hi all Sorry for the inconvenances but, after thousands of attemps i really need your help My problem is that i'm trying to find (with a groovy script assertion ) a Param that matches with th...
- 7 years ago
Hi all
After some attemps, finally got the Solution from an old thread from 2015 where nmrao post the solution to my question.
So, Just to post the Solution, this is the code that solved my question
def DateItinWithFlights = new XmlSlurper().parseText(context.response)."**".find{ it.SelectedSailing."**".find{ it.'@RegionCode'.text() == context.testCase.getPropertyValue('Region_con_vuelo_a_elegir') } }SelectedSailing.@Start?.text() context.testCase.setPropertyValue('SailingDate', DateItinWithFlights)