Forum Discussion

ind's avatar
Occasional Contributor
18 years ago

handling session in response

Hi all,

I have a SOAP request for Login and i am getting proper response for the user credentials. Now in the SOAP response the session id()node is passed to it.

I need to get the value of the session id from the that i can use those values for next coming request.


6 Replies

  • ind's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    hi all,

    here is my SOAP response after i hit my login


    how to get the value of session id node ...

  • Hi!

    You can do this in a Transfer Step.

    Create a transfer that transfers from your login step  (step login, property response ) to your next step (step nextstep, property request) and use  XPath expressions to to move it:

    Example Source XPath:
    declare namespace ns1=';

    Example Target XPath:
    declare namespace ns1='';
  • One more thing,

    if you are using the soapUI Pro trial, this is even easier. To the right of the Property Drop Down, there is a button that lets you choose which element you want (in your case sessionID) and it will generate the XPath for you.

    This is Pro only though...
  • ind's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    in case if i want to get a node value in request/ do i do that




            <NewDataSet><br />&nbsp; <Table><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; <Town>Banavie</Town><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; <County>Highland</County><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; <PostCode>PH33</PostCode><br />&nbsp; </Table><br /><br />how to get country or postcode in response or web:PostCode in request<br />in groovy<br /><br />thanks<br />ind
  • Ok, this is my personal way of doing it.

    Since I'm not that fond of the XML parsing in Groovy (read: because I'm lazy),  I would make a Properties Step containing properties for these:
    Request PostCode
    Response PostCode

    I would then move them into the properties step using a Property Transfer like above (only now into the Properties Step) and the accessing the Properties Step from Groovy.

    def step = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName( "Properties" )
    step.getPropertyValue( "Request PostCode " )
    step.getPropertyValue( "Response PostCode " )

    In Pro it is simpler to use Grovy and I would use the GroovyUtils like this:

    def groovyUtils = new context )

    def respHolder  = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder( "GetUKLocationByPostCode#Response" )
    def reqHolder  = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder( "GetUKLocationByPostCode#Request" )

    reqpHolder.getNodeValue( "//web:GetUKLocationByPostCode/web:PostCode"))
    resppHolder.getNodeValue( "//web:GetUKLocationByPostCodeResult/Table/PostCode"))
  • ind's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    thanks for the prompt response.
    i have tried with your code. but null value only it passes.

    i have used this groovy code:
    def step = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName( "GetUKLocationByPostCode - Request 1" )
    def a = step.getPropertyValue( "//web:GetUKLocationByPostCode/web:PostCode" )

    the response i got is :

    Fri Jul 27 11:07:11 IST 2007:INFO:null

    the value is null.
