Forum Discussion

malziotti's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

Get access token dont load page

Good morning
With SoapUi free version 5.7.0, configured the access parameters to the authorization server, if I select the "Get Access Token" button, the browser opens with the "The page could not be loaded" error (see screenshot "getToken-page-not-load.png").
Same access parameters indicated also in ReadyApi version 3.41.0 (+ State parameter: not present in SoapUi free version), by selecting the "Get Access Token" button, I get the login page correctly in the opened browser (see screenshot "getToken-ok-page.png").
Why this different behavior?
Maybe there is some feature not implemented in SoapUi free version that is instead implemented in ReadyApi?
The two tests were performed on the same host on Windows 10 pro!
Thank you.


Marco Malziotti

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