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makila's avatar
New Contributor
4 days ago

Error getting response; null when trying to connect to an azure cloud database

I have some issue trying to connect to a SQL database located in an azure cloud environment.

We have a database in the azure cloud that uses activedirectorydefault as authentication method. I logged on to my devbox and tried to connect to it use the FREE version of soapUI.

The steps I took:

- Add a JDBC request to the soapUI project
    * Driver =
    * Connectionstring = jdbc:sqlserver://;Authentication=ActiveDirectoryDefault; Database=xxx;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=false;hostNameInCertificate=*;loginTimeout=30;
-    Add below .jar Java files to support azure cloud SQL database connections into the /lib folder of soapUI


And I now indeed manage to connect to the database (it makes a valid connection) but I still recieve an error in the logs "Error getting response; null"

I originally had the same issue connecting to a database "outside the azure environment" when the jar file used to be sqljdbc42.jar (instead of mssql-jdbc-12.8.1.jre8.jar)

I had to add some additional files in the lib folder that I have gotten from someone from smartbear at the time and that fixed the issue. Without these extra jar files it also DID not work. Those files were all in total six jaxb-x and jide jar files)

However the sqljdbc42.jar and those additional jar files are outdated and those do not support ActiveDirectory type of authentication. So I had to update it to the newest version mssql-jdbc-12.8.1.jre8.jar and also add the jar file msal4j-1.17.2.jar to communicate with the cloud to be able to connect. All connection errors now disappeared BUT now I have an error with the response that is returned which is exactly that same old issue again I had years earlier "Error getting response; null".

I assume some extra additional jar files have to be added AGAIN to the lib folder because for some reason soapUI cannot understand the response from azure now. 

So my question is. Where can I find those files? Or is azure cloud just not supported through the free version of readyAPI? And then I come to my second question: If I Upgrade to readyAPI (PAID) would this work and be supported?

Thanks for the help.

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