Given that your response looks something like this:
and that you want the value for the phone number, in the above example 5128797895, than you can use a variation of jhunter's solution, here you go:
def xml = '''<xml>
new XmlSlurper().parseText(xml).'**'.findAll { == 'phoneNumber' && !it.childNodes()
}.each { it //this will output the phone numbers only!
The result will look like this:
Mon Oct 29 18:55:19 CET 2018:INFO:5128797895
Mon Oct 29 18:55:19 CET 2018:INFO:6124045907
To write the results into a file, edit the below code to your desired destination and format:
def file = new File("<your filepath and filename here, e.g. c:/output.txt>")
new XmlSlurper().parseText(xml).'**'.findAll { == 'phoneNumber' && !it.childNodes()
}.each { it //this will output the phone numbers only!
file << it // see also here: