Connect SoapUI to Weblogic 12.2.1 JMS
How do I connect SoapUI to Weblogic 12.2.1 JMS topics and queues?
Here's how I did it, pulling together things found by other people in slightly different situations.
Note: I am assuming that you have Weblogic 12.2.1 JMS queues and topics already up and running.
- Install HermesJMS
Here are the two links which proved most useful:
This is what I added to the top of the hermes.bat. Adjust for your paths and java version (64-bit)
REM Looks like it needs to be JRE rather than JDK set JAVA_HOME=C:\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\jre
set PATH=
set HERMES_HOME=C:\Tools\HermesJMS
if "%HERMES_CONFIG%"=="" goto tryDotHermes
goto setOtherVars2. Start HermesJMS and connect to the Weblogic JMS session.
Here are the settings I used in Hermes to connect to the Session
Provider tab:
Sessions tab:
binding - javax/jms/QueueConnectionFactory initialContextFactory - weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory providerURL - t3://localhost:7001 securityCredentials - welcome1 securityPrincipal - weblogic
3. Now connect HermesJMS to the JMS queues and topics
Select the Session, right-click and select "Discover".
You should be able to see the messages on the queues and topics.
Once you have HermesJMS working, then you can try with SoapUI.
4. Ensure the hermes-config.xml is ready for SoapUI to use.
Find the hermes-config.xml which you just modified (by default %HOME%\.hermes\hermes-config.xml ), and copy it to the place where you want it for your SoapUI project to use it.
5. Open SoapUI and adjust project
Set the SoapUI project Hermes Config property to point to the hermes-config.xml in step 4.
Add a (REST) service URI to the project
Add a JMS endpoint to the service: Check that the Hermes Config is correct, the session matches what you created back in HermesJMS, and you select the queue or topic names to Publish and/or Subscribe from.
Note: Apparently it is easier to add the queue and topic names in HermesJMS (or edit the hermes-config.xml directly).
6. Add Test Steps
Now you can "Add REST Request" test steps and use these endpoints to publish/subscribe messages and perform assertions as normal. (Details covered elsewhere)