11 years ago
Chunked Transfer Encoding Issue
Trying to send some Soap content to Tomcat 7.0.54 application server over http and when Soap content gets larger (not sure if the exact value), we start running into http 411 "Length Required" error messages if we are using Chunked encoding. I have looked the Tomcat configuration over and even tried setting a couple of values with Tomcat that are reported to affect Chunked encoding to a "-1" value (no limit) as well as trying a value which is larger than the total payload. It seems as though there is something that might be an issue between the way in which Axis2 (which SoapUI and our application also use) used the Chunk encoding and the Tomcat server, which is incompatible. Does anyone else have any experience with this and have any input on a solution ? When I just use the normal length header (if I leave the Chunk threshold setting in SoapUI blank, or if I set it to a value larger than the Soap payload I am sending which is about 25000 bytes which means that Chunking does not kick in) , there are no issues. This is Tomcat running on Windows 2008 R2 SP1 and pretty much patched up, if that makes a difference. I have also tried the VERY latest generally available Tomcat 8.x version and it has the same issue. Tomcat indicates it supports Chunked encoding. As indicated the application we are using and SoapUI both seem to use Axis, so that could be the source of the problem. Any help would be appreciated.