Disable chunk transfer-encoding does not work
I´m on SoapUI 5.5.0 and try to test an jpg-image upload to a nextCloud - Server (WebDAV). It works with Postman, but uploading with SOAPUI results in an 0 byte file on nextCloud. The only difference between Postman- and SOAPUI- Request I see is the different transfer-encoding: SOAPUI chunks the binary data - Postman doesn´t. Although this is obviously a nextCloud (or Apache/PHP) - issue....
How can I force SOAPUI not to chunk the binary data? The same issue raised up in https://community.smartbear.com/t5/SoapUI-Open-Source-Questions/Resolved-how-to-disable-chunked-response-urgent/m-p/36452#M14854 - with no satisfying solution. The hint "setting chunking threshold to "blank" (I aslo found some older hints setting it to 0 or -1) or setting nit to a very high value has no effect...