Forum Discussion
So im guessing the xsd you attached the schema on the webservice and isnt referenced in the .wsdl at all. The 3 schemas mentioned in the wsdl are completely different.
When ive worked on projects like this before i loaded in the separate xsd to xmlspynor equivalent and generated a sample payload from this xsd.
However that schema is a complete mess and there are numerous errors in the schema and you cant generate a sample xml until all the problems in the schema are fixed. Im assuming this is a 3rd party schema and youve little support. When ive been in this situation before, ive had to fix the schema to enable me to generate a sample xml. This means obtaining all the imported schema references etc. from the 3rd party.
I think youve got a choice. Either request a sample xml from the 3rd party (easiest option) or fix the schema yourself which will take i said before....youd need to get hold of all the referenced schemas etc. and once youve done that start fixing the schema. I cant see any other way around it.
By far the easiest option is getting a sample xml instead from the 3rd party.
Im sorry thats all i got im afraid. If you do get all the referenced schemas you need im happy to help try and fix the thing so it'll become valid and at that point youll be able to generate a valid xml, but those are your only choices as far as i can tell.
Nice one
They cannot send me xml because they don't have technical knowledge. The y don't know anything how webservices work. I have the external xsd(I renamed them again in .xml) files but I think I tried once and the program said that the xsd was valitated correctly.
I am not an expert in xsd and xml and I don't have xmlspy to test it. I download the demo version but I don't know how to import external xsd and test or create a valid xml from that.
- comworld4 years agoOccasional Contributor
I try out the altovaspy and after I managed to import the external xsd files it shows me (as you said) many errors.
One is at the submittingOperatorIdentification which gives me an error
'emcs:FallbackDocumentReferenceType' must refer to an existing simple or complex type.
So I guess it doesnt find that value in xs:emcs which is located at
If I open the types.xsd the value indeed doesnt exist.
As solution altovaspy gives the optins to choose another branch but I don't know what to choose.
The same problem is with many more values. Is there a way to find which value exists in which xsd?
Those problems occured because I change the "online" xsd with local ones or because the schema is wrong?
Also I think the tcl file is older version I upload a newer version
- comworld4 years agoOccasional Contributor
I managed to validate the xsd with the external xsd files .
Those in the zip are the new versions .
I don't know if this help because even when I have those external xsd it still gives me the same error.
Is there a way to use those files and not those in namespace?
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