6 years agoNew Contributor
Cannot Create new SoapUI Project from a wsdl that binds ok in CICS WS on mainframe
I'm trying to create a new SoapUI project from a wsdl and xsd that bind ok on mainframe to create a CICS WebService so cannot imagine any syntax error or the like. Please note I've tried this in Soa...
- 6 years agoHey MickH,
Yeah, my immediate thought was that the file was malformed (so wont open in a browser or anything with an xml parser), but the error message indicates different.
Did i understand correctly....the .xsd is embedded in the .wsdl?
In that case if you open the .wsdl in any text editor (if youve got xmlspy thats even better as it has an xmlparser included) and search for the ampersand character.
There should be an entity placeholder that isnt one of the five allowed entities (& or > or
< or ' or " which corresponds to & or > or < or ' or ")
There should be another entity value starting with the ampersand character (i.e. '&') that isn't one of the five allowed. That'll be the problem and you need to encode or remove.
Nice one,
Rich - 6 years ago
Many thanks for all your responses on this subject, particularly Rich. I'm going to mark this as solved, despite the problem still existing. What I did for a workaround was port the xsd & wsdl back to my C: drive, changed the encoding back to UTF and the pathnames to C: and offered that to SoapUI. Of course it worked and so I can progress with a litlle testing.
For now the character set translation problem remains unsolved for this particular wsdl, but I do think it is a SoapUI problem given the EBCDIC version binds perfectly in CICS.
Thanks again.