Forum Discussion

jobready123's avatar
12 years ago

Assertion | WS-Addressing Response

I am working on the book of Web Service Testing with soapUI and experising an issue in page 149 regarding to the "wsa:action" within WS-Addressing Response Assertion. The message indicates Wsa:Action expecting [urn:getGuestDetails], actual value is [urn:getGuestDetailsResponse]. Here attached is the wsdl . Look forward to your input. Thanks in advance.


<wsdl:portType name="GuestManagementServicePortType">
<wsdl:operation name="getGuestDetails">
<wsdl:input message="tns:getGuestDetailsRequest" wsaw:Action="urn:getGuestDetails"/>
<wsdl:output message="tns:getGuestDetailsResponse" wsaw:Action="urn:getGuestDetailsResponse"/>
<wsdl:fault message="tns:GuestManagementServiceGuestManagementException" name="GuestManagementServiceGuestManagementException"
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Appreciate if more details are provided for some to reproduce / understand issue better.
  • I believe I had the same problem - here is a summary of what I saw:


    I am working through Chapter 7 of the book "Web Services Testing with soapUI" by Charitha Kankanamge ( I am using version
    1.6.2 of Axis2 and version 4.6.2 of SoapUI Pro, but aside from a few minor differences in GUI displays and options I am able
    to perform the actions of the book without problems).

    I am having problems with the "Check if 'ws:Action' exists and has the right value" assertion on page 149. When
    I enable this assertion and send a request, I receive this error:

    Wsa:Action expecting [urn:getGuestDetails], actual value is [urn:getGuestDetailsResponse].

    On page 147 there is an example of a raw view of the request message, and the request shows
    urn:getGuestDetails as the urn within the wsa:Action tag. On page 148 there is an example of a
    response header, and the response header shows urn:getGuestDetailsResponse as the urn within
    the wsa:Action tag.

    It seems that the urn value of getGuestDetailsResponse in the wsa:Action tag of the response header
    is correct and should not cause an error.

    Please let me know if anyone else is experiencing this same problem. I have been working with this software for a relatively
    short period of time, so please let me know if there may be something which I have overlooked or done incorrectly.

    Thanks -
