9 years agoNew Member
Add Soap-Content (XML) in TestStep
Hi there,
I'm trying to add XML-Payload to a TestStep via Java API.
There's no problem with adding "normal" to a wsdl project:
WsdlOperation operation = iface.getOperationByName(operationName);
WsdlRequest request = operation.addNewRequest(requestName);
Now I'm doing this:
TestStepConfig testStepConfig = WsdlTestRequestStepFactory.createConfig(operation, "TestStepConfig");
WsdlTestCase testCase = testSuite.addNewTestCase("TestCase");
WsdlTestStep testStep = testCase.addTestStep(testStepConfig);
But neither testStep nor testCase seem to have any suitable methode to add my payload (like setRequestContent()).
How do I do this?
Thank you very much for your help,