Using GraphQL without ability to point to a schema file
I have a problem to create a project that would work with multiple GraphQL API's in different environments - using ReadyAPI 3.5.1.
I can run individual GraphQL test requests fine with hard coded URL, but when I tried to add GraphQL API to the project (to use environment features) I'm blocked b/c I do not have access to the schema files - besides schemas are changing pretty frequently.
Two questions:
1. Is there a way to add GraphQL API to the project using End Point and Token to read the schema? Other applications like Altair doing that fine, but for some reason I do not see this option in ReadyAPI.
2. If #1 does not work, can I use for GraphQL's test requests an environment OR project property to specify URL for the GraphQL request for each environment?
Hi Mikhail,
Thank you for the clarifications.
I'm afraid there is no much I can suggest for testing your scenario in ReadyAPI before GraphQL introspection (and auto-updating the cached schema) is supported.
I've already relayed this to the Product Team so that they could consider these GraphQL support improvements for future versions.