Unable to send certificate with Request - Keystore
I am unable to successfully send my requests with client certificates.
The exceptions I am getting are -
1. ERROR: org.apache.commons.ssl.ProbablyBadPasswordException: Probably bad JKS-Key password: java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException: Cannot recover key
2. ERROR: java.security.KeyStoreException: Uninitialized keystore
I have received a .crt and .key files (from third party), to be sent along with our requests
Postman - Able to successfully send requests with -crt and -key file.
Ready API - Failed.
Until now I have tried the following -
1. Converted the .crt-key files to ---> .p12 file (using OpenSSL) ---> .jks file (using Keytool). No errors, successfully created .jks file
2. Cross - verified if the keystore file can be opened with the password (Yes - correct password) and if the Keystore contains a file within it (Yes)
3. Tried to set and use the keystore accordingly uising (Failed with above exceptions)
What am I missing here? Any input would be really appreciated.