Unable to run tests from the Suite Level ReadyAPI 2.7
I have a project with a large resource definition listing. Using ReadyAPI 2.6 I was able to select a suite an run all of the test cases within that suite. After upgrading to 2.7 I am unable to run the tests from the test suite level. I click on the test suite and I am not presented with the option to run the whole suite or if I am able to see the option to run the suite clicking on the play button results in no action.
The only way I can run the whole suite is to do so from the command line. The resouce definition lisitng for this project contains about 370 items. I'm in the process of rolling back to 2.6 to verify that the issue is only in 2.7 but I wanted to see if anyone else is having this problem.
I check the release note for 2.7 and I see that the change (RIA‑9084) mentions improving performance for large definition listings and I'm wondering if this may have had an unintended impact to what I'm seeing.
Hey Nukeem
If you get the 'normal' behaviour if you delete some of the testsuites out of your project - can you confirm it works like this if you delete different testsuites? (this is my final check before I suggest the following)
Have you tried increasing the resourcing available to ReadyAPI!? check out the following link https://support.smartbear.com/readyapi/docs/testing/best-practices/memory-usage.html
I'd follow the instructions here to disable test history as well as cranking the resource profile available to ReadyAPI! to max (updating .vmoptions file)
If this fails to give you what you need - you can raise a support request - but eventually ReadyAPI! IS going to run out of resource depending on the size and complexity of the XML loaded into memory eventually anyway....you just nee to check that the issue you are facing occurs when all available resources are consumed and not before.