15 years ago
The JVM could not be started - Soap UI
Last week I have downloaded the Soap UI 3.6.1. and it was working fine. Now it start giving me an error when I try to invoke the application. The error is: "The JVM could not be started. The maximum heap size (-XMx) might be too large or anti virus or firewall tool could block the execution. My colleague is not getting this error we are on the same network and PC configuration.
Thanks for your help in advance
Last week I have downloaded the Soap UI 3.6.1. and it was working fine. Now it start giving me an error when I try to invoke the application. The error is: "The JVM could not be started. The maximum heap size (-XMx) might be too large or anti virus or firewall tool could block the execution. My colleague is not getting this error we are on the same network and PC configuration.
Thanks for your help in advance