SSL Key fields in all teststeps are lost when upgrading from 2.5 to 2.6 and higher.
Assuming you made a complete Testsuite, Projects, Testcases and tons of Teststeps with ReadyAPI 2.5.
In all teststeps you've filled in the certificates (i.e certificate_xxx.p12).
When upgrading to ReadyApi 2.6 or higher;
» all SSL Key fields are empty/gone... this is really bad! Because now you'll have to re-enter SSL Key fields for every testep manually after updating ReadyAPI!
» SSL Key fields are dropdown-only since ReadyApi 2.6 (so you can not type/write variable SSL Key's variable anymore) Once upon a time, it was able to make SSL Key's variable so you can easily switch from different environments without adjusting all teststeps one-by-one.
Dear developers, can you please repair the SSL Key fields?
I'm a PRO user and have been skipping all updates since 2.5 :(
Just for future reference, the defect has been fixed and it should be included in the next product version to be released in February.
Confirmed: After upgrading to ReadyAPI 3.1 the problem is solved:
» The SSL Keystore field is a dropdown & textarea
» I'm able to 'write' (variablies) in the SSL Keystore field for each teststep
» The SSL keystore is reading values from older ReadyAPI versions (ie ReadyAPI 2.5)