Forum Discussion
- SmartBear_SuppoSmartBear Alumni (Retired)Hi!
that explains it, the assertion script does not have access to the testRunner variable, you can instead use
def testCase = messageExchange.modelItem.testCase
to get hold of the containting testcase.
/Ole chathuradContributor
that explains it, the assertion script does not have access to the testRunner variable, you can instead use
So how to get access to the testRunner variable?
- yousufbadarRegular Visitor
try this :
def testCase = messageExchange.modelItem.testCase
def ResponseMessage = testCase.testSteps["Step1"].testRequest.response.contentAsString
log.debug 'response is :::: ' + ResponseMessage
- SmartBear_SuppoSmartBear Alumni (Retired)Hello,
Please, upgrade to 3.6.* from nightly builds:
Hope this helps,
robert - BorgesNew ContributorUnfortunately the upgrade helps not.
I have the same problem with SoapUI Pro 3.6.1
If I use the line:
def username = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.getPropertyValue( "Username" )
I get an error: No such property testRunner.
Any ideas? - SmartBear_SuppoSmartBear Alumni (Retired)Hi!
Exactly where in soapUI are you running this script? Can you attach a screenshot?
/ole - BorgesNew Contributor
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