SoapUI Projects - Test Suites - WSDL not keeping the saved password
I am fairly new to SoapUI and used to use a very older standalone pro version before upgrading to the ReadyAPI 2.4.0 which contained SoapUI. I am now having an issue I never had in the older version. In the WSDLs we use we have Authorization set to NTLM. I have a username, password and domain saved. However, every time I open ReadyAPI freash, and run the test suite, instead of producing the results I expect, our application returns an error for wrong username or password. I don't even have to re-enter the password, if I click on the password field and run the wsdl again, it accepts the password and completes my run. I have tried saving that but as soon as I close ReadyAPI and re-open, then I have the same problem all over again.
Any ideas what is going on? This was never an issue when I was using the older Soap UI on its own (version 5.1).
Update: What I see is going on when I run my test with the different WSDLs is that it is using the authentication from the first WSDL only. When in fact each WSDL might have a different username and password based on what I am testing and accessing with each. Is there a setting to change that so it checks authentication for each wsdl run?
Thanks for the help!