Forum Discussion

vineet131's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

SoapUI Pro 4.5.2 >> How can I open an URL in REST test step?

SoapUI Pro 4.5.2 >> How can I open an URL in REST test step?
I am using REST in which getting an URL in Response. I want to open this URL in browser in SOAP UI, as a test step?

For example, getting response URL =, want to open it in browser in soapUI manual test step

I tried it with by adding an HTTP Request but it does not work.

Early reply appreciated.



4 Replies

  • vineet131's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks for you reply.
    Current Status: Using soapUI Pro 4.5.2
    In REST service, Added an HTTP Test Request in Test Steps. Able to open html form under HTML tab of response.

    My requirements are:

    1. I have a custom property "search item" = Smart Bear on my test case level.
    2. Test Case >> Test Step >> HTTP Test Request to open the URL :
    3. Execute the the HTTP Test Request >> under HTML tab of Response pane, got the response of google page
    4. I want when this google page open , search string should be populated with "Smart Bear"

    Please help.

