11 years ago
SoapUI 5.0.0 freeze on mac
I've been looking at the forums and it still doesn't seem to solve my problem. Anytime I open up SoapUI, it freezes 90% of the time after my first interaction. Every once in a while I will get to the settings page, where it will crash before I can disable the browser. I have gone into the XML and added in <con:setting id="UISettings@disable-browser">true</con:setting>, I have created a separate file with <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<con:soapui-settings xmlns:con="http://eviware.com/soapui/config">
<con:setting id="UISettings@disable-browser">true</con:setting>
as well, and updated my info.plist and disabled in VMoptions as well.
<con:soapui-settings xmlns:con="http://eviware.com/soapui/config">
<con:setting id="UISettings@disable-browser">true</con:setting>
as well, and updated my info.plist and disabled in VMoptions as well.