Showing json response as xml, wrong value in xmlns
I test a REST-service that respond with a json.
My request: GET
The json response looks fine, both i tab "JSON" and tab "Raw":
"period" : "201907",
"error" : false
Since I use ReadyApi I can select to show the response in xml format in the "XML" tab. The data that was in the json is correct also in the xml view.
But I get a different path in the xmlns-element than the one I sent the request to. A colleague even got another environment in the path.
<Response xmlns="">
Where does ReadyApi get the value for the xmlns element? I recognize the values because I have tested with those values also but not in my latest test.
Has anyone else seen this behavior when showing a json response as xml?
Kind regards,
- Hey CamillaR,
I suspect the issue is a cpnsequence of readyapi trying to convert your json response i to xml. If your datatype (Content-Type header) is json (e.g. application/json) readyapi converts your json responseto xml, and that is what your seeing.
The xmlns attribute is typically includedin a schema and can have any value. Itsjust used so the elememts can have unique identifiers (nsmespace prefix). Your xmlns attribute doesnt include a prefix value so this is a default namespace.
All thatboring stuff aside, you can ignore the contents of the xml tab if your content is json anyway.
Hope this helps explain,