Sharing a project, via git or otherwise, Readyapi version 3.20.1
We are a team of 3 persons who want to share a collection of Api-tests. Not all of us are technically experienced users.
Each of us has git, and ReadyApi v 3.20.1
We are struggling to share our tests in a reliable way.
We use a composite project.
We arranged that each works on his own branch and will exclusively work on one testsuite at a time, and will merge after being ready.
Three problems stand in our way:
- ReadyApi is seeing actions as opening a testsuite (clicking on a '+'), running tests etc as changes to the project, and it is hard to discern which change is meaningful and which is not
- resolving merge problems is hard to do with ReadyApi files
- ReadyApi has a git feature now, but discarding changes does not work. It seems to be impossible to discard individual file changes. We have not much trust in the feature and try using git via commandline.
In another project in the past, we used a composite project, and each made its own branch, committed only changes to the testsuite he was working on and merged via Bitbucket. In case of a merge conflict, the merge was discarded, changes where exported to a local map, a new branch was made, changes were imported and a merge was done.
In one another project each time a new test had to be made we added a new Readyapi project to the repository with the new test, and no merges whatsoever where made.
We are looking for a reliable, fool proof, non-frustrating way of sharing Api tests. Does anyone has a way of working to be shared?