Forum Discussion

bhushanparikh's avatar
New Contributor
12 years ago

Setting up Custom Java Properties for Load UI


While executing my test cases, I am getting following error in output.log file. Permission denied: connect

In SOAPUI, I would get rid of this issue by introducing a custom Java property as mentioned below

But I couldn't find a place where I can add this custom property.

Please help.

2 Replies

  • dazed's avatar
    New Contributor

    I'm no expert, but I see that in my LoadUI-2.5.3 directory I see there a couple of Window batch files (and Shell command) which have in them various Java settings

    loadUI.bat has:
    set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms128m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

    Running this loads LoadUI (albeit with the noisy command window) - so it's possible you could cut your own version of this and add your property and run it this way.

    There is also "loadUI-cmd.bat" will does just the Java settings without the application load - I don't know if this gets used by the application(exe) to set environment.

    I used this same approach with SoapUI to get 32-bit Java running (on Windows 7)

    Just a pointer
  • dazed, you are absolutely correct.

    Today I could resolve this issue by adding the custom java property in the Loadui.bat file & using that .bat file to launch the Loadui GUI.

    Thanks for your reply.