Forum Discussion

HimanshuTayal's avatar
Community Hero
7 years ago

Script challenge for Groovy DataSource - API Summer 2018

Hi Olga_T


I have developed a code for Groovy DataSource, hope this will meets the need of Question.


import jxl.*

def groovyUtils1 = new
def projectPath = groovyUtils1.projectPath
projectPath = projectPath.replace("\\","/")
def dataFile = projectPath + "/DataFile.xls"

def f = new File(dataFile)
def wk = Workbook.getWorkbook(f)
def s1 = wk.getSheet(0)
def rows = s1.getRows()
def cols = s1.getColumns()
def flag = 0
for(def i=1;i<rows;i++)
	for(def j=0;j<cols;j++)
		//For placing null
		for(def k = 0; k < 5; k++)
			//Get Header Row Column Cell
			def c1 = s1.getCell(k, 0)
			//Get Value Row Column Cell
			def c2 = s1.getCell(k, i)
			testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName("Properties").setPropertyValue(c1.getContents().toString(), "null")
		//for placing value in front on particular iteration
		if(flag == j)
			def c3 = s1.getCell(j, 0)
			def c4 = s1.getCell(j, 1)			
		flag = flag + 1

Do Like and Accept if you find it as Solution.



Himanshu Tayal


  • Olga_T's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Good job, HimanshuTayal! Thanks for sharing your script.


    I have split it into a new topic so that others can easily find it, and I have also added the TechCorner label to it, so this topic gives you now 2 points to your score in  API Summer 2018 :smileywink:


    • HimanshuTayal's avatar
      Community Hero

      Hi Olga_T,


      Thanks for the appriciation and for the Label too. :smileyhappy:



      Himanshu Tayal