Forum Discussion

rlong98's avatar
9 years ago

Script Assertion adding two decimal values suddenly is failing

So this worked last week (no changes other than the WSDL did change)...


CODE (abbreviated)

I have 3 defined (context.expand) values that are all decimal 

def a = context.expand(<path>) as int // = 43680.59

def b = context.expand(<path>) as int // = 3000

response = context.expand(<path>) as int // = 46680.59


def total = a + b

assert total == response


Run Error = "For input string: "43680.59"

Why is this suddently not working?


IF I remove the "as int" - it runs but it's "combining"/"concatinating" a & b together as strings


Thanks for your hlep in advance

  • Well this is why I'm a rookie... the fix is stupid easy (unless i run into another hiccup)


    Just adding ".toBigDecimal()" after my context.expand lines did the trick.


    Of coruse the math equation i had to put "as String" in order for SoapUI to not compare the BigDecimal to the actual 2 decimal output

2 Replies

  • More information -

    I found out when orginally testing this I wasn't passing a deimal value.

    so the "as int" was working then - but not when I do pass a decimal it won't work and I get that error.


    So the question now is:  "How do I convert a def context.expand value so the script assertion can read it as a decimal value?"


    I searched many possibile ways but no syntax is working for me

    • rlong98's avatar

      Well this is why I'm a rookie... the fix is stupid easy (unless i run into another hiccup)


      Just adding ".toBigDecimal()" after my context.expand lines did the trick.


      Of coruse the math equation i had to put "as String" in order for SoapUI to not compare the BigDecimal to the actual 2 decimal output