Forum Discussion

nzStacy's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

Schema validation for offline schemas

Hi, in Postman I can define a schema and the assert against that directly - how can I do this in Ready API


eg, the schema and then the assert


I see ready API has a URL to point to but I can't use it, so was wondering how I do this the same as postman


const schema = {
                        "Id": {"type":"string"},
                        "Number": {"type":"string"},
                        "AK": {"type":"integer"},
                        "CategoryId": {"type":"integer"},
                        "Note": {"type":"string"},
                        "CreatedByUserId": {"type":"string"},
                        "CreatedDate": {"type":"string"},
                        "LastModifiedByUserId": {"type":"string"},
                        "LastModifiedDate": {"type":"string"}
                     "required":["Id", "Number", "AK", "CategoryId", "Note", "CreatedByUserId", "CreatedDate",  "LastModifiedByUserId", "LastModifiedDate"],
                     "additionalProperties": false}], }




  • nzStacy's avatar
    Occasional Contributor



    Thanks for the reply, at this stage I don;t have the ability to do any url based schema validation - I am going to need to investigate groovy scripting for a schema

    • richie's avatar
      Community Hero

      Hey nzStacy 


      Sorry - to be clear - I'm not understanding - do you mean you're saying the "schema file" isn't published somewhere and you have it locally or do you mean something different?


      Also - the "schema file" - what actually is it?  Are you talking about a .json schema? a swagger?  an OAS? a .wadl?





      • nzStacy's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        richiesorry if I wasn't clear


        We do not have the ability to access the schema through an online url, they are not public facing yet


        The current way I did it was to write the schema by hand in javascript in postman and then use the postman schema validation to to assert that the response from the postman call matched the schema supplied in code, the 2 postman tests below

        pm.test("Response is ok(authorized)", function () {
        pm.test("Schema is valid", function () {
        	const schema = {
                                "Id": {"type":"string"},
                                "Number": {"type":"string"},
                                "AK": {"type":"integer"},
                                "CategoryId": {"type":"integer"},
                                "Note": {"type":"string"},
                                "CreatedByUserId": {"type":"string"},
                                "CreatedDate": {"type":"string"},
                                "LastModifiedByUserId": {"type":"string"},
                                "LastModifiedDate": {"type":"string"}
                            "required":["Id", "Number", "AK", "CategoryId", "Note", "CreatedByUserId", "CreatedDate",  "LastModifiedByUserId", "LastModifiedDate"],
                            "additionalProperties": false


        I was thinking I could use a groovy validator to do it and then just get the result and check that