7 years agoNew Contributor
save pdf from response
Hi everyone,
I have a web service that returns me a pdf in raw format. I need to save this pdf to my local drive.
I tried different solution suggested here and on stackoverflow but none of them worked.
I get the following respone:
<data contentType="application/pdf" contentLength="44614">JVBERi0xLjUKJeLjz9MKNSAwIG9iago8PC9GaWx0ZXIvRmxhdGVEZWNvZGUvTGVuZ3RoIDYxMD4+c3RyZWFtCnictZbPb9MwHMWtb2/hgKoOxI+Lj+NAcZzESQ+bxCQGYxISUk5dtkHapSFdBy0Cqf897+t2LIThTqST5cRJLOvzXvx9ydw7SL3AyEQZmY69N6n30dPyPd/1pULjY.......</data>
This is raw byte data, not encoded. I need to save it as PDF file.
The easiest option is Dump File, so usually you don't need to write a groovy script.