Forum Discussion

bpistole's avatar
7 years ago

run testcase from different testsuite from CLI

I have a test suite that contains a testcase called Send Results.  It sends the results of the test case that calls it and write those results into our test case repo execution cycle.  All the testsu...
  • TNeuschwanger's avatar
    7 years ago

    hello bpistole,


    here is sample code on how I call another testcase in a different suite.  I just ran it from cli and it works from there.  I am setting a property in the test suite i am calling with the testcase name that invoked it.  It might just be some small differences that are causing the issue that I cannot really say are the reason for your issue.  Anyway, working sample follows:


    // Invoke a global test case that will invoke a compare process based on the given test case name being sent to it.
    def invokeTestSuiteName = 'Common Code';
    def invokeTestCaseName = 'Global Processing For DDL';
    def properties = new;
    def async = false;
    testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getTestSuiteByName(invokeTestSuiteName).setPropertyValue(invokeTestSuiteName.replaceAll('\\s', '') + "testCaseName",;
    def result = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getTestSuiteByName(invokeTestSuiteName).getTestCaseByName(invokeTestCaseName).run (properties, async);
    if (result.status.toString() == 'FINISHED' || result.status.toString() == 'PASS') {
    // do nothing
    else {
    assert false, "There are differences between what business has requested and the actual database implementation. See 'difference' output file";
    }; 'Test Step "' + + '" done...';





    From within the called testcase I grab the testcase name that invoked it...

    def testSuiteReference = testRunner.testCase.testSuite; // "testSuiteReference is:" + testSuiteReference;
    def testSuiteName = testSuiteReference.getName(); // "testSuiteName is:" + testSuiteName;
    def calledFromTestCaseName = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.getPropertyValue( testSuiteName.replaceAll('\\s', '') + "testCaseName"); // 'calledFromTestCaseName=' + calledFromTestCaseName;
    def tcNameList = calledFromTestCaseName.split('"').toList(); // 'tcNameList=' + tcNameList;
    def testableName = tcNameList[1].toLowerCase(); // 'testableName=' + testableName;
    testableName = testableName.replaceAll(' ', ''); '########################### testableName=' + testableName;