Forum Discussion

pb1's avatar
5 years ago

Retry based on AssertionStep status

Hi there   Intro here, the actual problem is below the line. We are currently working on a retry-mechanism that re-runs a specific interval of testSteps upon failure.    In the given pictur...
  • pb1's avatar
    5 years ago

    I managed to solve this specific problem, the opened support request shall remain open because I still suspect a problem with the .run() function.


    Instead of trying to emulate the testRunner from inside the groovy step we now "drop an anchor" before the retry-cycle, run into the script and check the checkpoint status. If the status is FAIL we tell the testRunner to go back to the anchor via testRunner.gotoStep() - if the status is PASS we just let the TestCase continue on. Here is how that looks:

    The anchor contains the number of remaining retry attempts, which are subtracted with each iteration by the ftpRetry-Script.

    And here is the adapted ftpRetry function from the example.


    void ftpRetry(def testRunner, def context){
      // variables to allow user to specify other names
      List<String> retryCheckpointNames = ['retryCheckpoint']
      List<String> retryAnchorNames = ['retryAnchor']
      int defaultRetryCount = 15
      ( checkpointStep, checkpointIndex ) = findStepInTestCase(context, true, retryCheckpointNames)
      ( anchorStep, anchorIndex ) = findStepInTestCase(context, true, retryAnchorNames)
      if(checkpointStep.getAssertionStatus().toString() != 'PASS') {
        // checkpoint did not pass, get the anchor, set the testRunner to the index of the anchor and subtract a retry from the anchor, then let everything run until this script is called again
        int retries = anchorStep.getPropertyValue('retries').toInteger()
        if(retries-- > 0) {
          anchorStep.setPropertyValue('retries', retries.toString())
          testRunner.gotoStep(anchorIndex + 1)
        else {
          anchorStep.setPropertyValue('retries', defaultRetryCount.toString())
          assert false : "Out of retries, checkpoint-assertion failed every time!"
      else {"Checkpoint passed, resetting retries on anchor.")
        anchorStep.setPropertyValue('retries', defaultRetryCount.toString())



    Should have reconsidered my approach to the problem rather than trying to force the script to emulate the testRunner, oh well.