Forum Discussion

digikam's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

Response is NOT generating while using Endpoint explorer

I am new for ReadyAPi, so initially will have very basic questions
When I am creating Functional Test from Endpoint Explorer using :" petstore.swagger .io"
I am getting error on response. Following is my screen shot

Following is from Tutorial



  • KarelHusa's avatar
    Champion Level 1


    most probably, there is an issue in your request.


    Check the following places:

    - message body: if you have all mandatory properties

    - content-type: if the request content type is set to application/json


    Also, consider using Petstore version 3 (see ) instead of version 2.

    If you want to learn REST APIs, you can also check BankGround API which I have created for this purpose.