Forum Discussion

Tom_Arn's avatar
11 years ago

[Res] Error loading WSDL with german Umlaute (soapUI 4.6.4)

When I try to create a new project from WSDL with soapUI 4.6.4 I get following error message:

Error loading WSDL
There was something wrong with the WSDL you are trying to import
Error loading []: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: Malformed UTF-8 character: 0xfc 0x63 0x6b 0x2e

The WSDL contains german Umlaute in the wsdl:documentation tags, but they are correctly encoded as 0xbc 0x63, not 0xfc 0x63 as claimed by soapui
When I get the WSDL with a browser, save it to a file (in UTF-8) and then use that file to create the project, I get the same error message, although there is *no* character sequence 0xfc 0x63 in this file!
When I remove all german Umlaute the WSDL file, the project is created correctly

With soapUI 3.6.1 it was working...

  • Can someone tell me, if this problem also exists in Version 5.x of soapUI ?

  • Hi,

    Try adding "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" to the soapui-<version>.vmoptions file. This set the default encoding of Soap UI to UTF-8.

  • Hello Mark

    Many thanks for your post - it did solve the problem!
    Even though the option is called file.encoding it also seems to work when you download the WSDL from the service directly.

    Thanks again