Here is more information about the issue:
Here is my project structure:
Instead of running Test Case 2 directly all I want is to run is the "GroovyScript" (the last step in Test Case 2) as all the steps shown in Test Case 2 are called from this groovy script, aswell as parsing, sorting and comparison code. Running just the GroovyScript directly works great.
Then I create a test case (Test Case 1) at the top of the same Project and create a high level groovy master launcher with the code below:
def project = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project
testRunner.runTestStep( project.testSuites['TestSuite1'].testCases['TestCase2'].testSteps['GroovyScript'] )
When I execute this all I get is a "Script-result: com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.WsdlTestStepResult@92f610"
The aim is to have a high level groovy script which calls other groovy scripts located in each test case.
Thanks again,